Thursday, May 4, 2017

premier league years

premier league years

>> live in studio b, it is the second annual starters award show. it is the starties. [captioning made possible by nba digital] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its

caption content and accuracy. visit] >> now, here is your host, kristen ledlow. kristen: good evening and welcome to the second annual awards show, the starties. i am kristen ledlow, and we will hand out some major nda

hardware. we will run through traditional words, like most valuable player and most improved, while deciding a few fun categories, like fan of the year and funniest moment. i little later, we say goodbye to the things we lost this nba season.

you don't want to miss the touching tribute. what would the starties the without the starters? here to rake down the winners, losers, and snubs -- j.e.: thank you so much. i can't tell you how close i was to wearing sequins.

i'm glad i didn't be want to claim the scoring system. we have a partial panel pick the nominees, than the four of us made our votes along with you, the starters fans, on facebook. we tallied up and we hand out the starties. tas: we have incredible top 10

plays of the season coming up. after blood, sweat, and tears, especially from leigh ellis, we managed to do it. j.e.: let's get to it. our first award kristen: like the people who use head and shoulders shampoo, nba rookies know you never get a

second chance to make the first impression. here are the four players who shined brightest in year one of their careers. your nominees for rookie of the year -- nikola mirotic of the bulls. nerlens noel of the 76ers.

elfrid payton of the orlando magic. and andrew wiggins of the minnesota timberwolves. and the winner is -- andrew wiggins. j.e.: there it is. the first startie going to r.o.y.

look at the voting breakdown. there you go. everyone backing andrew wiggins, including the fans. so, what became somewhat of a close race the last couple months, i think that is safe to say, wiggins ends up taking the startie.

tas: if this was called rookie of the last two months, we would have a debate. it is not. wiggins has been phenomenal, averaging 36 minutes per game. i think that is truly important. producing and all those minutes. he has played in every one of

his team's games. he has been phenomenal. i am extremely impressed by the man who is now carrying the torch as canada's best player since steve nash retired. j.e.: some of the guys, mirotic, noel, have played great over the last month or two.

andrew wiggins has gotten better as the season has gone on. that is not easy. leigh: did not hit the wall. he has picked it up the second half of the season, which solidifies his case. trey: the first half of the season, he was missing the main

guys on the timberwolves. to be able to have any efficient and both ends without the veterans around is pretty impressive. he might have been sort of a default winner with the injuries. he also earned it.

if guys like jabari parker were in the case -- in the race, we be looking at andrew wiggins and saying, this is the rookie j.e.: let's keep it moving. kristen: they say defense wins championships. they also seo watch pot will never boil, but it does.

these are the nominees for the defensive player of the year. marc gasol of the memphis grizzlies. rudy gobert of the utah jazz. draymond green of the golden state warriors. and deandre jordan of the los angeles clippers.

draymond green. j.e.: draymond green. defensive player of the year according to the starters. this one a little bit different than the rookie of the year race. it was unanimous for andrew wiggins.

leigh going with rudy gobert. everyone also picking draymond green. we will get to your reasoning in a second. tas: it is spectacular to watch this guy plays. of all the candidates, he truly plays like a big and perimeter

player. a lot of times, we separated between biggs and smalls, but he can literally intimidate a guy on the perimeter, guys dribbling in have to decide, what am i going to do with this guy? he goes down low and uses his lower body strength to deal with

guys inside. steve kerr called him a dennis rodman. he can guard guys one through five and it has been a long time since a perimeter player has won this award. i think draymond green truly feels like the best defensive

j.e.: this award usually going to the bigs. metta world peace, the last forward to win it. i think when you look at the sort of advanced numbers defensively in terms of win shares and defensive rating, it backs up the case for green.

all these guys in the running are high on the list. green, number two in defensive rating, number one in defensive when bankshares. i argue that they would not be the best defense in the league if it were not for him. they can use him to switch on

pick and rolls. trey: he is vital to the defense. i went into the voting thinking maybe andrew bogut was the best defensive player, but he has played almost as many minutes with andrew bogut as he has played without and there is no

defense drop off at all just because he can do everything. he makes it so they can switch, they can play tiny. he is everywhere. j.e.: why rudy gobert? leigh: i think golden state's defense has been better. rudy gobert has been so

impactful since his role change in january. he has made a significant improvement to the defense. in november, they were 25th in defensive ranking. for the month of march, they finished first. i am not saying it is all him.

his presence really helped in setting the tone for the look at what he does when other opponents drive into the lane. look at the field-goal percentage at the rim compared to the other guys known to be shot blockers. hugely significant.

that is based on an improvement throughout the season. maybe dream aunt over the course of this whole -- draymond over the course of the whole season has been better. j.e.: this was a crazy category. i think you could have had a whole other four or five guys in

the mix. kawhi leonard, tim duncan with the spurs, one of the best defenses in the league. tony allen will always be in the mix. you really could have 10 solid nominees here. leigh: kawhi leonard missed some

time at it probably counts against him a little bit. andrew bogut as well, another one that sometimes gets overlooked. his presence really helped golden state. with draymond green, as fantastic as he is, he can

afford to be more aggressive knowing you have such a big body. j.e.: bogut missed a big chunk of games. leigh: he did. that is when i make my decision. rudy has made such a huge impact on utah.

we have a fun award coming up next. kristen: ah, the nba fans to without them, every single player would be perfect from the free-throw line. tell us about the nominees for fan of the year. j.e.: first nominee, this kid

chugging popcorn. that is a brilliant technique. nom nom nom. not getting his hands covered and butter. perfect. he is going to town. how many bags of popcorn did he eat?

tas: the second nominee, clippers owner steve ballmer during the live fergie performance. call it dancing, call it whatever you want. j.e.: i can't believe that is not -- third nominee, gary harris' mom.

she missed her son throwing down a huge dunk early in the season and she can't believe it. she turned her head for a second. tas: first game, too. where did you go? this nominee got it right in the kisser.

why is she a nominee here? she stayed in the game. she had the bloody nose. she hung out there despite getting her glasses knocked off her face. kristen: and the winner is -- woman crushed by pass. j.e.: i am glad.

she deserved it. she stuck it out. trey: gets better every time. j.e.: the hair blowing back, the glasses. kristen: coming up, the award for best six man and the bestwedgies. catch youtomorrow. thank you.

kristen: welcome back to the starties. this may be the starter's award show, but it doesn't mean they will forget about contributions from the bench. sixth man of the year. jamal crawford of the l.a. clippers.

marreese speights of the golden isaiah thomas of the boston celtics. and lou williams of the toronto raptors. lou williams, guys. j.e.: lou! tas: this is a controversial one.

j.e.: lou williams taking home the sixth man of the year very close in terms of votes. leigh and i went with lou williams. the fans ultimately decided this lou outpaced crawford by about 40 votes. very close.

trey: was it the drake shout out? leigh: when the statistics are very close, you have to find some reason to separate them your it for me, it came down to games eight. lou williams played 76 games. jamal, only 60.

both had a similar impact on their team success. lou williams is deserving of the award, having played more games. j.e.: this one was a tough one to pick because no one stands apart from the other guys. it was difficult. i went with lou.

tas: i feel like you guys have voters fatigue. he's won it twice. this is jamal's award. he is the leader in points for guys coming off the bench. give it to him a third time. name the award after him. it has been a long time coming.

give it to him. trey: he has about the same impact as lou williams. the difference with jamal crawford is the clippers bench. there's not much else around there. when he comes on the court, you know jamal will get the shots

and he is still able to do it. this is a scores award. -- scorer's award. tas: lou took that three-point shot after draining the shot clock. one game. really close. jamal leads in points per game.

he embodies the sixth man award. i do want him to get it one more time. i feel like it could be his last leigh: it would be great to name it after him. i think he is deserving of the award this year. j.e.: the fans decided that one.

kristen: behind every great fastball team is a great coach and behind every great coach is a fan base questioning their every decision here and luckily, these guys made all the right moves. here are the nominees for coach of the year.

mike budenholzer, the atlanta hawks. steve kerr, the golden state warriors. jason kidd of the milwaukee bucks. and brad stevens of the boston and your winner is -- steve kerr.

j.e.: steve kerr, the second warrior to take home a starties. steve kerr with coach of the year. all four of us here at the table going with coach kerr. the fans went with budenholzer. neck and neck race. nearly 50-50 split.

in the end, the fans leaned toward budenholzer. you can't go wrong with a lot of these guys. tough to pick against steve kerr when he is having a historic tas: beating opponents by an average of 10 points. it is hard not to give it to

him. i gave him a little more credit because he is a rookie head coach. we separate rookies and m.v.p.'s. it is hard as a rookie. we talked about it before the steve kerr, can he make an

impact as a rookie head coach? to do what he is doing -- i know the hawks are more of a surprise than the warriors, but i give a little more credit because this is his first. j.e.: that is what some people say. he took over a team that was

already a 50-win team with mark jackson. trey: they have been top-two in offense and defense for basically the entire year. possible m.v.p., possible the one thing that changed from last year is the coach. it stands out as, here is the

change in look at all the great things that happened. j.e.: someone on twitter had a great week about what he has done the most successful lineup for the warriors, curry, klay, barnes, draymond green, bogut have played over 735 minutes this season.

last year under mark jackson, 0. kerr was helped out by the david lee injury a little bit. had to put draymond green in i still think you may have figured that out. that is a telling staff. leigh: you could argue steve kerr was under more pressure.

they want to be contending for a championship. they brought in a rookie coach. you have a team on the fringe of going for a championship, they want an experienced guy. he now has this title favorite with no tangible weakness. very good bench.

they share the ball, lead and assist. they do everything that says they will be one of the toughest teams to beat in the finals. j.e.: if we had done the starties at the all-star break, budenholzer runs away with this. are you impressed with how the

warriors continue to keep winning in the hawks, maybe they have not had much to play for in terms of the number one seed? trey: around the all-star break would've been the perfect time for budenholzer. he is also getting a little bit of help because the hawks were

so banged up last year. they did not have enough guys to finish with more than 34 wins. everyone has been healthy for the most part this year. easier to be better. he has them playing as best as they ever have in their history. j.e.: coach of the year, you

lean toward coaches on really good teams, 60-plus win teams. like the other nominees, jason kidd, coaches that took 18 you did not expect anything from and got them either into the playoffs or shocked a lot of people. both of guys -- both of those

guys are like that. tas: we did not expect much from the milwaukee bucks at all after being the worst team last year. their defense is just a telltale sign that the head coach has got them playing extremely hard. a second-your head coach doing it.

all these guys. it is difficult to parrot down here and we went with the number one seed. j.e.: i was inspired by jason kidd. kristen: wedgies are weird. it is just science. when it is a bully yanking a

piece of cotton, those are the worst. when it is a basketball accident we cradled between the net and backboard, they are glorious and triumphant. these are nominees for wedgie of the year. tas: anthony tolliver in his

first game with detroit. his first shot was a wedgie. he will always remember that moment. second nominee, nick collison, and i love the gooseneck. third nominee, just because marv albert gave the starters a shout out during at&t game.

marv: a timeout is taken. the officials made a quick call as the starters of nba tv fame like to call it, it appeared to be a wedgie, but it was not. the official said, jump ball. tas: thanks for that. demar derozan stuck a jumper. you might not think it is an

incredible wedgie, but it resulted in a date for a fan of the starters. this came in from morgan. i met up with friends when a shot by demar derozan went up resulting in a wedgie. i shouted, wedgie! a cute girl on the other side of

the room said the same thing at the same time. after a shocking glance at each other, we started talking. it turned out we were both marathon runners who listen to the podcast during our runs. i now have a date with this role.

thanks. morgan. bringing people together. that is what wedgies do. kristen: and the winner is nick collison's free-throw. tas: this is a rare wedgie. i love how he is hanging. [laughter]

that is great stuff. j.e.: not the wedgie that brought two lovers together? tas: we don't know how the date went. kristen: next, we hand out the hardware for what see -- whoopsi we have already handed out six big awards.

there is still plenty to come, including the winner of this season's most valuable player trophy. when you are right, no one remembers. when you are wrong, no one forgets. that is why we are doing our

part to remember those plays that went horribly, horribly wrong the season. here are the nominees for the whoopsie of the year. j.e.: first nominee, lakers huddling up, forgetting to play basketball. blake griffin getting the best

of them. trey: happen the first week of the season and this was kind of the entire lakers season. j.e.: sums it up perfectly. tas: alexey shved, wild shot or pass? no one knows to this day. he did not get a turnover on it.

j.e.: that almost sums up the knicks' season. third nominee, kirk hinrich in the super spin cycle. this makes me dizzy, watching do it again. tas: austin rivers catches the turnover. last one, steven adams falls on

the ground and takes it right to the hibberts. now, steven adams was fighting through the game, fighting through a hand injury, but that really injured him. trey: the delay of the ball comes through. tas: got to take a break.

j.e.: shake it off. the lakers getting scored on during a huddle. j.e.: it does sum up the lakers do you want to play defense -- oh. trey: i like they kobe was around for this one. -- that kobe was around for this

j.e.: it is not as the blunders we give praise to. sometimes it is even better when a perfectly executed play goes exactly according to plan. take us through the nominees for a very solid play of the year. leigh: the first one comes from the hawks.

how do you get a wide-open layup when there are defenders in the paint? this is how you do it. paul millsap finds al horford. jeff teague with a beautiful finish. manu ginobili with a beautiful pass.

tim duncan does not even know it is coming. golden state, globetrotters from earlier in the season. draymond green, do you think he will finish it? nope. shaun livingston. the portland trail blazers on

the broken player so determined to get a three-pointer out of this. watch this. chris kaman is so open. knocks it down. beautiful. it is because the play was broken.

kristen: here is your winner. golden state globetrotters. j.e.: i like this one. leigh: it sums up the golden state warriors season as well. everyone getting involved. not a thing a layup. that will do. that is what i call the very

solid play of the year. j.e.: why is there a sticker on your plaque? leigh: congratulations, golden this will be one of the most sought-after accolades of the j.e.: we blew the entire budget on the fog machine. all right.

sorry -- leigh: we have someone in india who has been keeping stats of the very solid play of the year. we have the boomerang, the bounce pass, all those great categories. it is important we keep track of those.

also by team as well. if someone things i am biased toward the spurs, that is them in the brown. yes. they deserve it. j.e.: what a great breakdown. it is time to unleash the fantasy unicorn for the --

this is difficult. three impressive lines. the second runner-up, klay thompson. he went off against the kings. 52 points, 9-10 at the line, 11 threes, two steals. anthony davis flirted with the quadruple-double, 14 boards,

seven assists, one steal, and nine blocks. a great game from a.d. but the fantasy line of the year goes to kyrie irving. 57 points, 20-32 shooting, perfect 10-10 on the line. perfect from three-point line. some defense with four steals.

congrats. apologies, i should say, to russell westbrook, james harden, and demarcus cousins, who had themselves some monster lines. tas: all season long, we have monitored the missteps of those in the nba family like j.r. smith, donald sterling, and

dwight howard in years past. there is always someone who rises above the rest and earns the right to receive the ultimate starters dishonor. the 2014-2015 worst of the year were goes to dion waiters. his season actually started in cleveland and things looked rosy

out of the gate, fresh off being mentioned in lebron's coming home b regime was named the starting two-guard. it only took three games for lebron and the coaching staff to change their minds about his role and sent him back to the bench.

what was dion doing that was so wrong? aside from missing, he was doing this, over and over and over and over again. the internet love tim, but his teammates, not so much. no thanks. they were smart not to pass to

when he did get it, you know he shot it, he attempted more shots per 36 minutes than kyrie irving and kevin love in his 33 games as a cavalier. in early january, cleveland decided it was time for dion to be gone, that sending them to the thunder.

this was waiters'explanation for the improvement. he said, "listen, they give me the ball. i touched the ball. i actually, like, you know, touch the ball." that is not true. he actually touched it more with

cleveland. what he continued to do in okc was keep calling for the ball. if you have seen one clip of waiters this season, it has to be him begging for it and being denied the pass. it is hilarious. he has been exceptional and that

is why he has earned the 2014-2015 worst of the year award. kristen, would you do the honors in raising the banner? j.e.: this is perfect. j.r. and dion waiters. he has a nice, roundhead. tas: shoot your way through

this, dion. kristen: overshot it. j.e.: that is perfect. that is perfect. trey: just a little off. tas: coming up, the most improved player of the year and the funniest moment of the 2014-2015 season.we will be right back.

[sfx: squeaking brakes] kristen: looking back to the before we find out this year's m.v.p., let's check in with the m.i.p. most improved player of the jimmy butler of the chicago bulls. and hassan whiteside of the

miami heat. and the winner is -- jimmy butler. j.e.: wow. jimmy butler of the bulls getting the starties most improved player. this was a split vote. trey actually went with rudy

gobert. myself and the fans back jimmy it came down to trey's second-place vote, jimmy butler just above draymond green. controversial, but in the end, the fans agree that he gets it. this is a weird award every i think it is easily the most

ridiculous award that we hand out. it is a piece of hardware that we are basing a little bit on underachievement the year prior. tas: it is also very subjective. i had trouble picking rudy he is a second-year player and also coming from france.

he just got a starter's job in the middle of the year. i like to go with a guy that has played some years in the league. it came down to jimmy butler and draymond green, for me. they came out of nowhere turn max contracts, more than likely, this off-season.

draymond green came out of a deeper sense of nowhere because we knew jimmy butler was a fantastic defensive layer. his offensive game came out of nowhere this season. draymond green, the defense and the offense. but i have no problem with jimmy

j.e.: that is why i lean more towards butler. green has been excellent. a lot of people picking him for that came into play, too. maybe i am picking import defensive layer of the year and do not need to pick him for for jimmy butler to become a

20-point scorer and find his shot, his usage rate went up, and they asked him to do a lot more. i do not love this award, but i think it is more impressive to go from a good player to an all-star, great player and that is what jimmy did this year.

leigh: the numbers were almost double what they were last year. his minutes went up to 38 minutes per game. he earned those minutes. he was really a glorified energy guy prior to this season. now he is an integral part of their rotation.

trey: with rudy gobert, you like to look for a player who has a little more experience, but he went from a guy who no one knew anything about to a legit franchise cornerstone. he made enes kanter expendable. he was so good that he forced out a top five pick because they

needed to see him more on the court. the jazz took off once he got a starting role. it has been impressive. j.e.: i agree. some people think maybe gobert and whiteside did it a little too late in the season.

can a guy win this award that was not even playing in the league the last two years? he has been all over the place -- china, lebanon, the d-league, and now here he is with the heat. leigh: this is exactly who they could have used last year.

he has bounced around not just the nba, but other leagues. he understands he has a role in this league and he could be here for a long time. tas: we watched him in summer league and we thought, this guy has sort of fallen off. we did not expect him to ever

have an nba job again. the degree of improvement, you could probably give it to hassan whiteside the j.e.: again, totally subjective and wide open. the fans agree with me, jimmy back to kristen for our next kristen: on any given night, the

nba has the capacity to throw us with thunderous dunks, awe-inspiring assists and game-winning buzzer beaters, but when that is not happen, we are more than happy to settle for hilarious sideshows like these. this year's funniest moment. j.e.: jason smith with the

knicks, the dance party he had in the bowels of msg. trey: he has a whole lot of leigh: the highlight of the knicks season, really. j.e.: the dance moves for a seven footer are impressive. tas: the modern-day mark madsen. this move, i love this.

chris paul pulling a kevin hart, yelling at deandre to just shoot just how angry he is -- why is deandre waiting? no one knows. j.e.: another nominees, jeff "skin" wade interviewing chandler parsons and dirk says, no.

i love the reactions from chandler, sort of knows it is coming. everything, it is perfect. tas: he said he should have been ready for the big german. erik spoelstra does not like mario chalmers' turnover here. where is lebron when you need

him? it makes me so mad, i am just blowing a gasket. dirk slapping skin wade's microphone to the floor. j.e.: does it go to jeff, chandler, dirk? we have the honor of having an acceptance speech from jeff

"skin" wade himself. >> thank you guys. this is a huge honor. to send me a dirk bobblehead, i do not know where i would get one of these. i want to thank my wife, my kids, world beefery, not necessarily in that order.

but i really want to thank dirk for teaching me the valuable lesson that once you have something in your hands, you hang onto it and do not let anyone take it you no matter what. >> thanks. >> he earned that.

that is good. i am going to give that to him. thank you guys for giving me that to give to him. j.e.: thank you, skin wade, with the mavericks. tas: best acceptance speech of the show. j.e.: i am dreading this next

part of the show and i will let kristen explained. kristen: as with any nba season, it is not all smiles, dunks, and wedges. every year, things disappear from our nbi lives -- nba lives forever. join us as we say goodbye to

everything we lost this season. ♪ >> ♪ so goodbye and farewell, my old friend after all these years, we finally reached the end i have kept you close, but all good things must pass and it seems we must part that

last -- at last ♪ >> ♪ goodbye and farewell to you now i know that i must take my leave somehow and there really is not all that much to say but it seems that i must leave and go away ♪

>> ♪ meemories may fade throughout the years the best of them remain and the worst ones disappear good times can never be erased nor my feelings for you ever be replaced ♪ we have finally reached the rainbow's end

though i must depart and leave for somewhere new still i always will remember you ♪ [recorder solo] ♪ it is time for the granddaddy of them all. every time a player has locked up the most valuable players

award, someone comes along with a performance to knock us back to square one. it is time to put that second-guessing to rest. here are this year's and vp nominees. stephen curry of the golden lebron james of the cleveland

cavaliers. james harden of the houston rockets. and russell westbrook of the okc thunder. and the winner is -- stephen curry. j.e.: chef curry with the m.v.p. i almost feel dirty handing out

this award before the end of the regular season. but that is how "the starters" are scheduled. we had to get our votes in. 4 of us went with steph curry. trey the only one putting his vote behind james harden. we talked about this all season

long. it feels like every second day on the show, you can make a case for one of the other guys, be westbrook it, harden, anthony davis, lebron. tas: there are a lot of things. he does not have the individual points per game that james

harden has. are we going to punish steph for not playing for the quarters because his team is too good? i think you have to credit him for that. also, what we sort of lose is steph curry changes the way the other team plays defense.

james harden does that, to a degree, but people worry about steph as soon as he crosses the midcourt line. james harden is a one-on-one player and you get ready for him that way. extra points for a guy who changes the game.

so many factors. harden has been incredible. i do not care that he has not played fourth-quarter minutes. points per possession are really close. j.e.: it is clear that no one is really superior. that is why i tried to take it

to its core and went, he is the best player on the best team, on an historic team -- i think that needs to be said, too. that is why i went with curry. the numbers are so close or all of these guys. trey: james harden has hit big shot after big shot after big

shot this season. that means something to me. he is first in clutch points and seven in assist. in the final three minutes of the game, it is on james harden to get the rockets it win. he has come through more than he hasn't.

not to discredit curry, but the fact that james harden playing fourth quarters and dominating them, i think he is the m.v.p. leigh: to me, the m.v.p. is not just someone who is good, but he makes his teammates better. that is steph curry. all those factors lead from

steph curry showing the way. he scores well, gets assists, gets everyone touches. steve kerr, we talk about the coach wants the point guard to be an extension of the coach. steph curry shoots when he is in rhythm and in the flow of the offense.

he knows it is just as important to make sure everyone else gets a touch on the ball. james harden has been incredible this season -- j.e.: westbrook, what he has done with the okc thunder -- this is what is funny about the regular-season m.v.p. award.

what happens if lebron takes the cavs to the finals and they win a title? it changes, sort of, looking back at everything. trey: it is weird to think of lebron has not the m.v.p. we all know he is the best player in the league, but he

just took two weeks off to get himself right. second half of the season, he has clearly been the best player on the floor. tas: when the best player in the game sits down for two weeks, it is kind of unprecedented. the other guys have been doing

it all year. even though steph has not been playing fourth quarters, you have to give it to the other guys -- i could not give it to lebron because he has not been the best for two weeks of the j.e.: anthony davis, this guy is going to end with an historic

player efficiency rating. he has done it all. when we get to the actual votes and people place their votes, they will look at him and go, he is going to win probably three or four of these down the line. all of these other guys that we just named, maybe i will lean

towards them because i could see a.d. winning so many be leigh: he has just got to get full a -- through a full season. kristen: the awards have been handed out, but one on her remains. a place in "the starters" top 10 plays of the year.

see who makes the list when thestarties return. j.e.: welcome back to the it is time for "the starters" top 10 plays of the year. never an easy task, whittling it down to just 10, but i think we nailed it. at number 10, it is canada versus france.

andrew wiggins on rudy gobert. maple jordan on the stifle tower. they went at it a couple of times this season. trey: that was beautiful. two feet, one dribble am a no problem. tas: at number nine, russell

westbrook goes coast-to-coast after a mate basket. he goes by every player. leigh: very generous of the other team to open up and allow him to dunk like that. j.e.: at number eight, k.j. mcdaniels says no to the you played volleyball.

kristen: that is all american volleyball status. perfect form as well. my goodness. tas: in toronto, terrence ross provided us with some serious highlights this year. trey: even he said this was the best dunk of his career.

hard to argue. tas: just coming up with dunk after don't after don't -- after dunk after dunk. leigh: i would call that a solid play if i had not already handed out the trophy. tas: at number five, wilson chandler goes by chandler

parsons and throws it down. kristen: chandler on chandler violence. tas: look how high he gets up. j.e.: derrick williams, for about a week during the season, started to get in the poster-making business. this one was crazy.

leigh: bringing the biz. tas: james ennis on ritual butler -- rasual butler. we kind of pondered, is this going to be the best dunk of the year? it got close. j.e.: we will say it was the best dunk on someone.

a spoiler for you there. j.r. smith in the garden, puts it down between the legs. wow. leigh: that is unbelievable athleticism. to catch it and throw it down rivers in the air. amazing.

tas: this is even more amazing. number one, the no looker from trevor booker. leigh: is this really a play though? at once in a lifetime highlight. j.e.: you can go with dunks, but you are going to see dunks. we never see this play.

trevor booker with the top 10 play of the season. kristen: thank you guys for having me. if you need a fifth starter, i could add some height to the roster. tas, take us home. tas: thank you for joining us on

this monument is ok -- momentous occasion and remember, you cannot finish something unless you start it first. j.e.: embrace the day, people.

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